Display Director
Airman provides a complete overview of the Airshow Schedule in time related format. The System Operator can then easily add, delete, move, and reschedule any Event item, automatically updating all other events accordingly, and having this information communicated to all other staff involved, and the public.
Control Tower
Where the airfield is under the control of a Control Tower, a special view of the Airshow Schedule is available to the Controller, providing all and only the information they need to do their job effectively. This includes the takeoffs, landing, and display items, with Callsign and Pilot data on demand.
Commentators provide the link between the Airshow Management and the viewing Public. Airman provides a special view of the Schedule, updating constantly, and the ability for the Commentators to add their own reference information online, prior to, and during the Airshow.
Pilots Mobile App
Pilots need to be informed of any information on changes to the schedule. This is provided by a special screen available as a large screen in the Pilots Room, and also as a Mobile App on Smartphones, where urgent messages are sent to their mobile phones should any changes occur.
The public are always asking for Programme details. With Airshows, the Schedule will invariably change due to weather, Aircraft issues, and Pilots. Airman provides the ability to have instant updates online, with a “Public View”, updated directly and automatically from the Display Director. This can be incorporated into Public displays around the airfield, or simply online a publicly available website.
Safety Officers
Safety Officers provide an important function in ensuring that the Airshow is conducted to the highest standards of safety. Airman provides the ability to store records on Aircraft Insurance, Pilot Certificates, Medical and Licences, and flag any Event Item that has not met predetermined requirements.
Aircraft Wrangler
Wranglers are the people who manage the positioning, and startup of Aircraft. They need to be informed of any program changes, and like Pilots can be provided with our Mobile App for up to date view of the Airshow Schedule and notifications.
System Infrastructure
Airman runs on a Cloud Based Internet Architecture, and is operated on the day by experienced operator under the control of the Display Director. This relieves any pressure on the Display Director to learn and operate the software. The system requires Internet connectivity through fixed lines or WiFi around the Airfield. And that’s basically it. The rest is whatever you want – external displays can be simply laptops connected to large displays, or feeds to any video walls as required. The public can access the Airshow Schedule through a “Public View” using their own data connection, or through on site WiFi.
Airman can also provide Low Power FM Radio Transmission (where permitted – 1Watt EIRP) and Lanyard style Airshow radios to listen into live commentaries.